Come and See!
Bible Text: John 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: One of the marks of a good friend is that he/she wants to share good things with their friends. For instance, if there is a good sale going on or an event that would be a pleasant experience, they willingly share. Now, there are some destructive things friends tend to share and that is gossip. Gossip is talking about someone to another person without that someone being present. The Bible says that this type of gossip in wrong e.g sinful and often damages relationships.
I would like us to look at the true story of a man named Andrew who lived during Jesus’ ministry. The context of the story is that John the Baptist was preparing the Jewish people for the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. At this point in time, Andrew was a curious learner concerning the coming of the Messiah.
Andrew saw Jesus pass by and John the Baptist proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God!”. This is were we pickup the story. Please allow me to read it out loud.
This passage gives us good insights about what a good friend looks like.
1. Good News Should Be Passed On to Others
1. Note: Jesus took the initiative and invited Andrew to come and see for himself who Jesus is
1. Please note that God always takes the first step to reach out to people
1. When we are curious about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, God will extend the same invitation, “come and see!”
1. Andrew spent a day with Jesus
1. If a person is open to Jesus’ invitation, the more time a person spends with Jesus, the deeper the person will fall in love with Him.
2. God is never a bully
1. Notice Jesus simply asks the question, “What do you want?”
1. Was Andrew looking for a Messiah to be a political leader, warrior to defeat Israel’s enemies, or just another religion?
1. Notice religion is man’s attempt to reach God by good works, Christianity is God reaching out to man through faith and repentance in the finished work of Christ on the cross
2. How we answer that question is of paramount importance
1. How would you and I answer Jesus today?
1. Would we want financial security?
2. Would we want a career that brings with it power and prestige?
3. Would be want a peace with God and other?
3. The answer will determine where we will spend eternity
1. Jesus response of,”Come and See” gave Andrew the opportunity to find His answer in the life of Christ
2. This question demands an answer
3. He wants us to see His love for us e.r. rebels against God (sinners)
4. He wants us to know that through faith and repentance, there is forgiveness and new life in Christ
5. He wants us to personally know that Jesus went to the cross in my place and paid the penalty for my sin
6. He wants us to come and see Jesus and be convinced in our heart
2. Jesus still extends this same invitation today to us
1. It can come through good friends
1. Good friends share good news
1. Notice the first thing Andrew did
1. He found his brother Simon
2. He told Simon the good news of which Andrew was convinced in his heart
1. “We have found the Messiah”
2. He introduced him to Jesus so Simon can come and see for himself
2. It can come through a friend inviting you to their church
3. It may even come from a stranger who cares about people
3. Only Jesus can give forgiveness, new life, and new purpose
1. Jesus looked at Simon
1. The word translated looked mean to look at intensively
1. When we put our faith in Christ, He sees our potential as we live by faith for Him
2. Only He can renew the hearts of people
4. How Will You Respond to This Invitation?
1. Ignore
2. Considerate Seriously
3. Accept
Closing: Every invitation demands a response. How will we respond today? We will accept the invitation to come and see Jesus? Will we come to know Him as our personal Lord and Savior?