“Church, Obey Jesus’ Great Commission!”
Intro: I am sure you heard of the saying, “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!”. Acts 5:12-42 gives us the story of the early church when the heat is turned up on the Apostles, Christ Followers, and the Church. One of the aspects which I admire of the U. S. military is than men and women are trained to focus on the mission, no matter what. The mission must be completed.The Bible teaches Christ Followers that we must carry out Jesus’ Great Commission no matter what the political, social, cultural, or economic conditions. Historically, the church has always grown under the heat of persecution. What about us? We were blessed in this country for many years without major persecution. However, I believe that could be changing. So, are we prepared?Luke gives us insight into how we should respond to the heat of persecution: Opening: “Polycarp, a man of advanced age, was arrested by the Roman authorities and brought to the arena for execution in front of the cheering crowd. The proconsul pressed him hard and said, ‘Swear and I will release you. Revile Christ’. Polycarp replied, Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He never did me any wrong; and how can I now blaspheme my King that has saved me?'” (Cited in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, chapter 15.) God Gives Opportunity to All People to Know Christ By Faith v. 12-16Signs and wonders point people to the Person and Work of Jesus ChristMany people responded to God’s miraclesSome were afraid to be identified with the churchThere Will Be Persecution Where Jesus Is Being Preached v. 17-40Pride and power of the high priests and Sadducees was being challengedThey were filled with jealousyThey arrested the Apostles and jailed themJail Christ Followers didn’t stop God MissionThey stayed focused on Jesus Great Commission and were willing to trust God with the consequencesAn angel came and released them and encouraged them to continue Jesus’ missionThe Apostles obeyed and went to the temple teaching the people about new life in ChristThe religious establishment turned up the heat even moreThey were arrested againFilling Jerusalem with the teaching of the gospel with details on sin, the cross, and resurrectionLook how Peter responded in v.29-32This is the key verse of this passageThe gospel was preached even while they were under arrestThis infuriated the religious and political establishmentSometimes persecutors sometimes say the truth v. 33Pharisee GamalielHe persuaded the religious leaders not to kill the ApostlesThey flogged the Apostles and ordered them to stop preaching and JesusThe Joy of Suffering for Jesus v. 41-42They Apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy by God to suffer disgrace for JesusThey were more empowered to carry out Jesus’ missionClosing: How about us?