Church Isn’t All About Me!
Bible Text: Philippians 2 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Video
Most advertisers are very good at what they do to get you to buy your product. In most advertising, they present a convincing argument that you need their product, you will be more attractive if you buy and use their product, and you are entitled to whatever the product is offering. The reason you are entitled is because it is all about me and all about you!
For those of us who were or have children, I believe you will remember days when your children were in a park or at the beach playing and you gave them a 5 minute warning that is will be time to leave. How did that go over most times? Was it usually followed by temper tantrums and pouting? If we are honest with ourselves, we adults can also behave like children at times because we don’t get what we want when we want it. That happens in churches also if we are not careful.
Illustration: Review Thomas Rainer’s survey on page 34 in I Am a Church Member.
You and I are called by God to serve others in the local church body. That means, with the right heart and attitude, we put our personal preferences last and serve others using the spiritual gifts God has given us in Christ.
1. Be United
1. We are united with Christ
1. Comforted by His love
2. We share the same Holy Spirit
3. We share Christ’s tenderness and compassion
2. Be Humble
1. Christ (fully God and fully man) is our model
1. Think of others
2. Value others
3. Set aside your own preferences and desires for the benefit of other people’s interests
4. Serve them out of a deep love for Jesus Christ
3. Be a Servant of Christ
1. Using the gifts He has given you
1. Serve with humility
2. Serve in loving obedience
3. Serve to glorify God
4. We can’t do everything, but we can each do something
1. How is the Holy Spirit of God leading this morning?
Closing: Read the pledge at the end of chapter 3 in Thomas Rainer’s book, I Am a Church Member.