Christ is Risen Indeed!
Bible Text: Luke 24 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Introduction: “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” We proclaim that every Easter Sunday morning. If we are honest with ourselves, Easter is a time when we need to at least consider what the resurrection was all about. More specifically, we need to consider the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Let me give you some background on this passage. The women found themselves at a crossroads on that Sunday morning when they went to the tomb. At first, the women were mourning, then perplexed, and eventually hopeful. Have you been mourning a loss or perplexed? This morning, I would ask if you would put yourself in the position of these women. Perhaps, you may be able to relate to them because you find yourself at a crossroad in your life? I would like to suggest that Jesus is willing and able to lead you through the crossroad in the right direction if you would let Him and trust Him by faith. But first, you need to decide who Jesus really is.
1. Who is Jesus Christ? William Barclay, ed., The Gospel of Luke, The Daily Bible Series (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster John Knox Press, 1975)
1. Someone to be admired?
2. Someone to be studied?
3. Someone who was just a pattern for us?
4. Someone who is alive and present?
5. Is He our Savior e.g. Rescuer?
2. What is the Work of Jesus Christ?
1. Because of the cross and His resurrection:
1. We Have Forgiveness Available
2. We Have Assurance Available
3. We Have New Life Available e.g His life in us
3. What Will Be Our Response?
1. Indifference
2. Procrastination
3. Faith and Repentance
4. Renewal
5. Will we go and tell?
Closing: Come and celebrate the resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ around the Lord’s Table