Chosen & Empowered By God Part 2
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 17 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | — Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: For those of us who have some mileage on us, I am sure we have been faced with situations that seemed so overwhelming. The question I would like to ask this morning is how do you and I react or respond in those situations? What did we do? Where did we go and for what purpose?
In this familiar passage, David is again faced with what looked like an insurmountable problem form a human prospective. God teaches us some valuable lessons in this passage that will help us face those seemingly insurmountable times in life.
Don’t Be Paralyzed By Fear
Saul and his army were afraid of the giant
Saul was concerned about himself only
David was outraged by the giant’s taunts and threats towards Israel and God
David was not concerned about himself
David loved the Lord
Learn to Focus on God’s Will and God’s Glory
David was not concerned with making a name for himself or his own glory
David was not intimidated by opposition
Learn From Past Faith Experiences
David’s experiences of protecting his flock
David’s experiences of God’s strength and power
Closing: What are the seemingly insurmountable problems we are facing today? Could they be:
Opposition from family, friends, or other people for doing what is right in God’s eyes?
Marital or parent child conflict?
A bad report from the doctor
The loss of a loved one or friend
The loss of a job
We could all name some more
Please remember these three valuable and life changing lessons God gives to us today:
Don’t Be Paralyzed By Fear
Learn to Focus on God’s Will and God’s Glory
Learn From Past Faith Experiences