“Beware of Godless Wealth!”
Bible Text: James 5:1-6 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Opening Illustration: There are diseases which can destroy us from the inside out. We know what cancer can do, or high blood pressure, or hepatitis. I would like to suggest that unconfessed sin in the life of a Christ follower will eventually destroy him/her from the inside out. Plus, there is always collateral damage in the process.
Please permit me to give you some background on this passage. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, James is talking to some arrogant business men in the congregation. He issues a strong warning to them about godless wealth and employee practices.
1. Do Not Hoard
1. The symptoms
2. The progress of the disease
3. The people hurt and damaged along the way
2. God Will Respond
1. God hears the prayers of the afflicted
2. God is Almighty
3. There has been no investment in the kingdom of God
Closing: How we use our wealth, not matter how great or small, can be a reliable barometer of a Christ follower’s relationship with God. We live in a day of materialism, accumulation, and extravagance. It is just a very simple step to let wealth possess and overwhelm us if we take God out of the equation.
The Lord’s Table gives us a great illustration of how God doesn’t hoard His wealth. He offers His best to us in love and grace.