“Beware of False Teachings” Part 2 Colossians 1:3-5
Intro: So, how did you do on your homework from last Sunday? How many even remembered I gave you homework last Sunday? This exercise is so important for Christ followers who are serious about discipleship and growing in the maturity of Christ. Without a biblical worldview, we are more likely to make poor and sinful decisions in our lives that can have hard consequences.
Just because your come to church in Sunday doesn’t necessarily mean you have developed a biblical worldview. Just because you may teach Sunday School or a Bible study doesn’t necessarily mean you have a biblical worldview.
Please let me read to you some very disturbing statistics published from the Family Research Council:
In these 3 verse, Paul gives us a snapshot of true Christianity so we can better discern false teaching. Let’s unpack these principles:
Who or What is the Object of Our Faith?
Biblical faith is much different than how we define faith today
Biblical faith affects out heart, mind, and will e.g. our entire person
Biblical faith must be centered in the Person and Word of the Lord Jesus Christ
Biblical faith demands discipleship, sacrifice, and submission to the will of God in Christ
Faith in public opinion or movements that deny the Person and Work of Jesus Christ may sound good, but are false and five people a false sense of security and builds up personal ego
Listen to this worldview about God that is widely held in America today
Read the tenants of moralistic therapeutic deism
These sound nice to us, but what is seriously wrong with them?
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ isn’t even considered
The biggest problem humanity faces, sin, is not mentioned
This is a very bad teaching, and worldview
True Faith Always Shows Itself in Action
Biblical faith is not a selfish faith
True faith always shows itself in action
True faith loves others and actively serves others
The faith of non-biblical worldviews is a selfish, ego boosting, faith e.g. everything is all about me or look at what I did!
After all, I am a good person so God must accept me
If I am good enough, I will go to heaven
God doesn’t send people to hell…
Even atheist exercise faith, but the object of their faith is false and deceiving
Remember, any belief system that denies the core doctrines of the Bible are false teachings
Any worldview that contradicts the teachings of the Bible are false!
Faith and Love Spring From the Hope Stored Up For Us in Heaven
Heaven and hell are real!
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ opened up for Christ followers the way to be right with God the Father and an incredible inheritance in heaven which has been prepared and being protected for us come the day the Lord calls us home or returns to Earth as the King of kings and Lord of lords!
All Christ followers can and should draw their life, love, significance, and security from being in Christ
This is done when we yield to the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and let the Bible formulate in us a biblical worldview
Our hope is purely based upon the assurances and promises of God as revealed in the Scriptures
Our hope gives us the ability to live by faith and love one another as God commands in His Word
Our faith and love that springs from our hope in heaven keeps our eyes on Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith
Our faith and love that springs for our hope in heaven helps us to face the challenges of this life and face them in a way that brings God the glory and honor
This is all in the “Good News” Gospel
The message of the Bible is true
The problem of sin is bad news
God’s solution for our sin problem is Great News!
Do we personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior?
Will we permit Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word to develop in us a Biblical Worldview?