“Beware of False Teaching!” Part 3 What is the True Gospel? Colossians 1:5-8
Man’s Problem
The Fall
The result
Every area of our being is tainted by sin
Sin makes us prideful and lost
There is nothing you and I could do in and of ourselves to earn God’s forgiveness
No amount of good works, or religion, or philosophy can save us
The need
We need a Savior Who satisfices all of God’s holy requirements
One who is perfectly holy and perfectly man
God’s Solution
God reached down to man
The Perfect sacrifice e.g. God/Man
The Substitutionary sacrifice
The atonement
The resurrection
The offer by grace through repentance and faith
Salvation by faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ
Furtherance of the Gospel
Being faithful no matter what
Being faithful in the good times and especially when suffering for Jesus
Letting the Holy Spirit and the Word transform us from the inside out to be more like Christ
Sharing the gospel in deed and then in word when we earn the right
Review the Great Commission
Our Response
The true gospel of God’s grace demands our obedience
The Scripture ought to be our final authority
Will we live it out in our lives with the help of the Holy Spirit?
Closing: The Lord’s Table: