“Beware of False Teaching!” Colossians 1:1-10 Part 1
Intro: I would like to ask a question this morning. What kinds of false teaching are around in our culture that are contrary to biblical teaching?
Fortune Tellers
Secular Humanism
Eclectic Religions
Critical Race Theory
LGBTQ teachings and rationalizations
Legalistic Religious Systems
Idol Worship
Part of my calling as a pastor is make you aware of these teachings. I also need to teach and preach the truth so you are able to recognize false teachings. We also need to realize that false teaching can be presented in ways the look very attractive and believable.
Would it surprise you to know that Paul faced many of these false teachings in his day? So while he was in prison for preaching the gospel, Paul wrote this letter to the churches in Colossae because they were being infiltrated with false teaching that threatened to pull people away from the truth and mislead them.
We Need to Know Where We Live
Look at Colossae; 100 miles inland from Ephesus
It was a meeting point between the East and West
Many important trade routes passed through the city bringing with it many different beliefs and philosophies
Look at Lacey
Population 29K
Seasonal Community
Predominately Roman Catholic
Headquarters to the Universalist Church
Predominately White 98%
2% Black, Asian, Latino
Church attendance is generally sporadic
Average commute to work is 34 minutes
Christ Followers Live in Jesus Christ!
One of Paul’s favorite expressions in his writings is, “…In Christ…”
We live in Christ
Our salvation is in Christ
Our identity is in Christ
Our purpose is in Christ
Our life is in Christ
Our destiny is in Christ
We reside in Forked River or what ever town in which you live
The Theme of Colossians is the “preeminence of Christ”
Look at Colossians 1:15-16
Christ ought to be the center of all we are and all we do
Any teaching that take Christ out of His rightful place of preeminence is false teaching
Any teaching that is based upon bad theology removes Christ out of a place of preeminence
Blended religions and philosophies remove Christ out of the place or preeminence
Closing: The Lord’s table is to remind us of the preeminence of the Person and work of Jesus Christ. It is all about Him, not about us!