“Be Wowed and Overwhelmed!” Revelation 4:1-11
Jesus, in His Grace, opened up a door from earth to heaven so that the Apostle John would be blessed and see awesome things so he could write them down. Do you remember John’s initial reaction in Revelation 1:17 upon seeing the full majesty of the risen Christ? He was completely overwhelmed and in awe of Christ and of Hos holiness. I need to emphasize that there is a difference between being “wowed” by something or someone, and being “wowed and overwhelmed” by Christ. When you and I are in the presence of Christ and truly worshiping Him yielding to the Holy Spirit and the truth of His Word, we are humbled and changed from the inside out for the glory of God.
In this amazing chapter of Revelation, through John’s eyes, we catch a glimpse of heaven. Do you realize, when we worship corporately as a church on Sunday’s we are joining the hosts of heaven in the Throne Room as they worship our Great God!