“Be Who God Wants You to Be!” John 15:1-17
Let me ask you a question this morning. What do you want to be when you grow up? I remember friends, parents, and neighbors asking me this question many times when I was young. In all fairness, there are always some adults who haven’t decided what they want to be when they grow up. There is a serious problem with this question, because it assumes our identity is firmly planted in the work we do. This ultimately leads to disappointment and emptiness. There is a better question that a Christ follower ought to ask. We should be asking God what He wants us to be? The foundation for this question is that our identity is not defined by our work, but rather it is defined solely by our relationship in Christ. In other words, if we are a sanitation engineer, or domestic engineer, or a mechanic, or a medical worked, or an accountant, etc… we will be able to do those avocations for the glory of God. You see, our total identity should be anchored in our relationship with Jesus Christ.