“Be Faithful When Life Is Unfair!” Acts 24:1-27
Flattery vs. Encouragement v. 1-4
The high priest Ananias arrived at Caesarea with some elders and a lawyer named Tertullus.
They brought their charges against Paul with them
Tertullus uses flattery to get on the good side of Felix
Felix was know for being corrupt and immoral.
Felix, with the help of a magician, helped seduce Drusilla from her husband, Azizus, King of Emesa
Felix also hiring robbers to murder the high priest Jonathan
The False Charges v. 5-9
Personal charge: Paul was a trouble maker e.g. causing riots and inflaming the people
Political charge: Paul was the leader of an illegal religion which was not friendly to the Jews or the Roman government
Doctrinal charge; Paul was profaning the temple
The Truth v. 10-23
Paul’s motive for going to Jerusalem was to worship and bring a love offering
Paul’s accusers didn’t find him arguing with anyone in the temple or stirring up crowds
His accusers have no proof of the charges
Paul admits that he worships the God of “our” ancestors as a Christ follower e.g. as a follower of the Way
The accusers call the way a sect
Paul say that he believes he did everything in accordance with the Law and what was written in the Prophets
Paul reaffirms the hope he has in the resurrection just as the Pharisees have
Therefore, Paul testifies with a clear conscience before God and man
Paul kept his ministry public and transparent
Paul says the the original propagator of these charges were not even present at this trial
Paul calls for the verdict from the Sanhedrin to be announced, that they found no crime
The only disagreement was over the resurrection
Conviction and the Corruption of the Judge v. 24-27
Felix was well acquainted with the Way
He wanted to hear form Lysias comes before he decides the case
Paul was put in protective custody under minimum security
Felix and Drusilla, who was Jewish, sent for Paul to listen to him as he spoke about Jesus Christ
Paul talked about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come.
This stuck fear into the heart of Felix because of his past
Felix sent Paul away when the truth hit close to home
Felix was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe
Closing: The Lord’s Table