“Be Faithful!” Romans 1:8-15 3/3/24
Intro: Years ago, many people worked for a company for many years, even to retirement. Then, something happened in the 80s that seriously breached faith and trust and still has a negative influence today. Companies could have made better financial and personnel decisions to operate lean and mean. Instead, they fired many loyal and long-time employees who were faithful to the company. The result was a severe breach of trust between the employee and the employer.
Even today, most people who work for companies don’t believe a company can be trusted. So, many employees will work for a few years and move on to another company.
When a person is born again, we enter into the family of God and His kingdom by faith alone in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. We are under new ownership when we have faith in Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Our response to the Savior who redeemed us from a life of rebellion and an eternity in hell deserves our total love, faith, and loyalty.
Today, we will learn from Paul the concept of biblical faithfulness.