“Bad Theology Corrupts the Church!” Revelation 2:18-29
Allow me to start with a simple question this morning. Does God really mean what He says? This was a theological question posed by Satan to Adam and Eve in the Garden. All it takes is someone with bad theology to suggest a theological question that might plant some doubt in out minds. How we answer that que stion could determine where we spend eternity, or, for a born again believer, it could determine his or her effectiveness in the kingdom of God.
For example, Is faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ to only way to be forgiven of our sin and be right with God? Does God really mean that the penalty for sin is spiritual and physical death? Does God really mean that marriage is between a biological male and a biological female? Does God really mean that marriage is sacred? Did God only create 2 biological genders? Does God really mean that we should not forsake the assembly of the saints as others have? Does God really say born again believers need to love their enemies?
The church at Thyatira was being corrupted in the same manner from the inside out. Let’s hear what the Holy Spirit has to say this morning to the church at Thyatira and how this might apply to the church today.