Are You Ready For the King?
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Do you know that the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, is coming? No one know when He is coming, but He is coming. My question to all of us is, are we ready? Is the Second coming of Christ important? Does it matter? What does it mean to us?
The Nicene Creed gives us a brief summary about the Second Coming of Christ to correct some misunderstandings, heresies, and bad theology.
1. Bad Theology Leads to Wrong Thinking and Living
1. The Sadducees denied the resurrection of the dead
1. Jesus rebukes them: Mark 12:18-27; John 5:25-29; Rev. 20:1-15
2. This error is still in our culture today
1. If there is no resurrection from the dead and judgement, then this is all there is
2. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you do e.g. just live for today 1 Thess. 4:13 ff
3. If there is no resurrection, then the gospel is all a lie: 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
4. Denying the resurrection denies the power of God: Romans 4:24; Phil 3:20-21
2. Good Theology Leads to Right Thinking and Living
1. We Are to Look Forward Expectantly: 1 Thess. 4:13 ff; Romans 8:19-25; 1 Cornithians 1:7
1. His Second Coming will be physical, visible, and unexpected e.g. πσροθσια: Matthew 24:30-31
2. He Will Come as Judge: 2 Tim. 4:1 ff; Matthew 25:31-32
1. This will be the time of the Great Reversal
1. Evil will be judged once for all
3. He Will Come as Warrior: Rev. 19:11 ff
1. Comes on a white horse
2. Hi title is King of kings
4. He Will Come to Rule: Rev. 20
1. He currently rules in the hearts of Christ followers
2. He will reign for ever and ever
5. He Will Come for His Church: 1 Thess. 4
1. First, the dead in christ will be raised
2. Second, those who are still alive will be caught up with him
Closing: Are we ready for Christ to return? How should we live in light of His imminent return?
1. Remember, the flow of history is leading to the Second Coming of Christ
2. We should watch and be faithful to Christ
3. We will be transformed in the blink of an eye
4. There will be a great reversal e.g. all wrongs will be bright to account
5. We need to continue in the will of God