“Are We Listeners or Doers of the Word?”
Bible Text: James 1:19-27 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Have you ever had a hearing test? I have had many. Usually an audiologist will do an evaluation on how well we hear. I would like to suggest that God can easily tell well you an I are listening and hearing. Let me give you a few examples:
Also, our concept of believing today is vastly different than the concept in biblical times. Today, the concept is to acknowledge something intellectually. So, you and I can say we believe something but not act on it.
The readers of James’ letter would have understood the word, “faith/believe” a bit differently. Faith/believe in the original language had the connotation to embrace a concept with your mind, heart , and will. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they did that.
James now starts to address this apparent disconnect in some believers lives between just talking the talk, and walking the talk. He addresses three key attitudes for putting faith in action in the life of a Christ follower.
We Need to Be Teachable
Take note, listen intently to what James says
Being teachable implies that we need to listen very intently
Be slow to speak
Be slow to anger
Receive the Word humbly
Meditate on it
Let it sink into our hearts
Ask the Holy Spirit to help us be obedient
We Need to Put the Word Into Action
By faith and in the power of the holy Spirit, be doers/not deceived
The Word should encourage and reveal
The law shows us what a holy God requires of us and His holiness
It leads us to the need for a Savior because we fall short
For a Christ follower, we need to let the Word and Spirit of God search our hearts and show us what needs to be corrected and confessed
Or, we will hate and run from the Word
The Holy Spirit and the Word will transform us from the inside out if we yield
In Christ, we are truly free to obey Him
We will be blessed for our obedience
We Need to Do True Religion
Avoid the trap of self-righteousness
Usually the ones who talk much about how good they are and how unholy other people are the self-righteous
True faith loves others
True faith show itself in supernatural humility
Pursue holiness with the help of the Holy Spirit
Closing: So the first question I would like to ask this morning is how well are we hearing the Word of God? The second question I would like to ask is are we doers of the Word in loving obedience? There is no freedom on the face of this earth better than lovingly obeying the Word of God in our love affair with Jesus Christ.