“Appearances Can Be Deceiving!” Romans 2:17-3:8 4/21/24
Our culture, which places a premium on appearances, has fostered an environment where deception is rife. A case in point is a film I once screened at a church movie night, ‘Super Christian.’ The protagonist, a young man, wakes up on a Sunday morning, meticulously preparing for Sunday school and church. He dons a bright shirt and tie and proudly carries his Bible, conforming to the societal expectations of a ‘good Christian.’
Initially, he is in the church service, sitting in the front row with his Bible open and pen in hand, ready to take notes as the Pastor preaches his sermon. When the service ends, he politely and kindly greets people on his way to his car in the parking lot. At first glance, everything seems to be in order, reinforcing his carefully crafted image.
He gets in his car and pulls out of the parking lot, grumbling at the other drivers. When he gets on the road home, his impatience with other drivers shows.
As the movie progresses, we witness a stark contrast in his behavior. He’s tardy, unproductive, and disrespectful at work, a far cry from the image he meticulously presents on Sundays. This stark dichotomy underscores the theme of appearances being deceptive in our culture.
The Pharisees, priests, and Sadducees had turned Judaism into a religion emphasizing appearance rather than substance. They believed that being born Jewish automatically made them right with God. Then, they added many man-made laws and told Jews that they must keep all the rules perfectly to be considered” good Jews.” Religion was all about image, not a changed heart and character that comes from faith in the Person and the work of Jesus Christ.
Paul confronted the Jews and their religious leaders on this very issue. Let’s investigate this passage and see what valuable insights it offers today.