“Where Is Christ In Your Life?” Colossians 1:15-23
Paul give us great theology and biblical truth the refute this bad teaching. The Person and work of Jesus Christ is supreme for the following reasons:
Jesus Christ is Supreme Because He Reveals the Invisible God v. 15
If you and I want to know God the Father, we can know Him through the Person and work of Jesus Christ
Jesus can to this earth through the virgin birth fully God and fully man
Jesus is Supreme Because He is Eternal. v. 15-16
“…first born over all creation means Christ is eternal e.g. He always existed even before creation.
In Him, all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, where thrones or powers or rulers or authorities
Just look at the miracles of Christ
Jesus is the King and Master over all creation
Jesus is Supreme Because All Things Exist for Him v. 16b
Every thing exists because of King Jesus!
All things have been created through Him and for Him
Warren Wiersbe put it this way, “When it comes to Creation, Jesus is the primary cause (He planned it), the instrumental cause (He produced it), and the final cause (He did it for His own pleasure).” The Bible Exposition Commentary (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996). Exported from Logos Bible Software, 2:41 PM October 17, 2021.
Therefore, everything Jesus created is good in itself. Matter is not evil in and of itself.
Jesus is Supreme Because in Him, All Things Hold Together v. 17
Scientists have tried to explain this through chemistry and physics, but that can only take us so far.
Who created the atom and the sub atomic particles? Jesus
Who holds the atoms together? Jesus
Why were these things created? For Jesus and for us to enjoy His good creation
Jesus is Supreme Because He is the Head of the Church v. 18
The resurrection made Him supreme or preeminent from among the dead
Without Jesus’ resurrection, we would have no salvation or hope
He conquered sin, death, and Satin
Jesus is the originator and creator of the church
Therefore, He created the church, sustains the church, and will usher the church into glory.
Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to the church e.g. teacher, comforter, the one who rebukes, the gift giver, the one who enables us to love…
Jesus gives us the Scripture to nourish the church
Jesus is unique
Head of the church
Jesus is Supreme
Jesus is Supreme Because God Was Pleased to Have All His Fullness Dwell in Him v. 19
Jesus is the exact image of God the Father
Jesus is fully God and fully man e.g. perfect humanity and all the attributes of God the Father
God was pleased with this
Through the Person and Work of Christ, God reconciled to Himself all things v. 20
All things, on earth or in heaven
“… through making peace through His blood shed on the cross” Amen!
Closing: So, there are two serious questions I need to ask today:
Is Christ supreme in every area of our lives?
Is Christ supreme in our church?