“Serve Faithfully!” Acts 20:22-38 Part 2
What grade would our give our culture and society on the value of loyalty? Allow me to get more specific. What about loyalty in marriage, to our families, to our jobs, and most of all, to God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, to the Scriptures when interpreted correctly, and the church of Christ? I would suggest that our culture and society are failing in these areas. I also believe that our culture is on a dangerous downward spiral for this very reason. I would also suggest that because many churches have not been faithful to the Person and work of Jesus Christ, the full counsel of the Holy Scriptures, and the marks of the classic church, we also will put ourselves on a dangerous downward spiral. In fact, I would suggest many churches are in such a state today. Dr. Luke records Paul’s farewell message to the elders of the churches in Ephesus. This message contains valuable instructions for Paul’s time and our time.