“It Is Easter! So What?” Αpril 4, 2021 Matthew 28:1-10
Intro: I believe that we, in the evangelical church, need to recover the real meaning and significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have been commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Body of Christ and go and make disciples. Why? Because there are a lot of hurting people around us who have no peace and lack hope. Sin, rebellion against God, which isn’t dealt with in our lives, will always result in unrest, insecurity, doubt, and disappointment. The life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way us to realize true peace and hope. In other words, when a person puts their trust in the person and work of Christ, we are forgiven of our sin past, present, and future. Because of the victory of the resurrection (God’s stamp of approval on the power of the resurrection), Jesus conquered sin, death, and Satin. You see, we can live and rest in the security of Jesus’ love, guidance , and have hope. This is the real importance of the resurrection of Jesus. Matthew give us some great insights into how the resurrection can turn despair into hope and peace. Let me set the stage. On Friday, Jesus was crucified, died, and buried. The disciples though that Satin won, sin was victorious, and all hope was gone. They were hiding and locked in the upper room out of fear that they were going to be killed also because they followed Christ. We meet the 2 Marys who had the courage and heart on that Sunday morning to finish the burial rights of Jesus’ body, so they went to the tomb. They were mourningJesus had been with them for over 3 yearsThey experienced His leadership, discipleship, and most of all His love.They were afraid of the unknown since their Lord was gone nowThere was a very big obstacle between them and the body of JesusThere was a high stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb plus it was sealed by the governmentHow would they move that incredibly big stone?Would they be able to finish the burial rights for Jesus’ dead body?What will the guards do to them if they tried to get into the tomb?Where do we go from here??The resurrection gives real hopeWhen we contemplate the resurrection of Christ e.g. Easter, we begin to understand how the resurrection can transform hopelessness and despair into a living and dynamic faith.God removed the big obstacle: God did it all!God send a messenger to bring the message of assurance that Jesus is alive!He tells them, “Don’t be afraid…”How can the angel say this? Because Jesus rose from the dead and He is Alive!Jesus kept His promiseThe angel invited them to look and see for themselvesDespair and fear, and hopelessness, was turning into a joy that couldn’t be containedThe angel told the women to go and tell the disciples the good newsThe women obeyed and went, ran, still afraid, but with joyJesus met them right where they wereTheir resurrected Lord tell them, “Don’t be afraid”This must have been an incredible moment!This should still be an incredible moment for all of usHe sent them on a go and tell missionLike wise, Jesus sends us on a go and tell mission Closing: Jesus is alive!Jesus conquered the graveJesus broke the power of sinJesus defeated SatanJesus is the only One who can give true forgiveness, new life and hopeJesus commissions us to be on a show and tell missionOur world needs Jesus’ hope especially with the health. family, financial, psychological, stresses we faceThe Resurrection of Jesus is the only solution for the pandemic of sinWill be let the Risen Christ into our hearts today?