“Embrace God’s Mission” Acts 10
Intro: Last week, we finished the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus. Together, we looked at Jesus who is the bread of life, the light of the world, the door of the sheep, the Good Shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the truth and the life, and finally, the true vine. This morning, we go back to the Book of Acts where we left off before Advent. Luke, in Acts chapter 10, brings us to a critical turning point in the history of the church. Peter needs to learn that the Gospel is for all people, not just for the Jews. This meant that God had to work in and through His people to break down barriers. We see in this passage the incredible power of God and the plan of God. I want to suggest that when we embrace God’s vision and enter into it in loving obedience, we will have the most exciting journey of our lives. We will also be astounded at what God is doing!