“Keep Looking Up!”
Bible Text: James 5:7-12 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Keep Looking Up!” James 5:7-12
Intro: Patience is a virtue that seems to be very uncommon in our culture today. However, in the church among Christ followers, it should be very common since it is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The test of patience will always be during times of suffering. Do you remember what James said about trials in the beginning of his letter?
If we are honest with ourselves, when we experience a lack of patience, we really have a problem with God’s timing, His provision, and His love.
It has been well said: “God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it’s worth the wait.” Anonymous
But we live in a rat race culture. Oren Arnold puts is this way, “prayer for the modern American: ‘Dear God, I pray for patience. And I want it now!”.
James, in this section of chapter 5, gives us directions on godly patience during times of pressure and suffering.
1. Be Patient v. 7
1. Until the Lord’s Coming e.g keep looking up
1. Illustration: a farmer’s patience.
1. Be patient and stand firm
1. Stand firm in the promises of God by the power of the Holy Spirit
2. Keep on loving God and one another
2. Illustration:
1. The Prophets
2. Job
3. Staying on course for the glory of God
4. God always keeps His promises on time
1. God is full of mercy and compassion
2. Don’t Make Deals with God
1. God is not Monty Hall
2. Leaning on God, not our own understanding
3. Always speak the truth in love
1. Don’t lie to manipulate or get out of responsibility
Closing: How are we doing in the area of patience these days? I would like to suggest to you that who we truly are will be exposed when we are under pressure or suffering. We need to take note of how we react or respond to pressure and suffering.
1. Responding in anger, bitterness, and resentment indicates that we need to come before God in repentance and confession.
2. A lack of patience also reveals a lack of trust in God, His love, and His timing.
3. We need to learn from our wrong and sinful reactions when we are under pressure or suffering and ask God to bring healing and transformation from the inside out.
4. We need to remember that we alone are responsible and accountable for our actions. We need to stop blaming God and others for our sinful reactions.
5. God always stands ready to forgive and restore us. This is called grace!
6. Keep looking up until Jesus returns again!