Live in Unity!
January 7, 2018

Live in Unity!

Passage: Ephesians 4
Service Type:

Bible Text: Ephesians 4 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship

— Pastor Lou Notes —
Intro: Recap last week: “Be Part of a Healthy Body”
There are many reasons disunity can happen in a church. Most disunity in a local church is not over doctrinal issues. If we are honest and objective, the overwhelming majority of disunity issues are the result of selfishness and pride, wish is sin.

It is often said that the church business or committee meetings can be discouraging. Sometimes personality and preference conflicts can become harsh and unkind. Someone once said, “To dwell above with the saints we love that will be glory. But to dwell below with the saints we know, well that is a different story. The Bible gives us some great insights about what unity is and how to be a unifying church member. From prison, Paul writes this incredible letter to the churches at Ephesus to encourage them about the importance of being a unifying church member.

Walk in Unity v. 1-3
“Walk” means this is an active part of our daily lives
Unity is worthy of God’s calling (vocare) on our lives
Unity is anchored in the hope of our call
Practice unity under the power of the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures
Unity is there through the Holy Spirit
With His help we can maintain and practice unity
Walk in Unity with the Right Attitude v. 2-4
Humility and gentleness
We are one Body, under one Lord, with one faith, on baptism, one God
Bearing with each other in love
We don’t gossip
We stand ready to forgive and reconcile
Walk in Unity with the Goal of Spiritual Maturity v. 11-16
God equips men and women to minister in the process
We speak the truth in love to each other
Teaching us to live under the Lordship of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit
Then all the parts of the Body work well together for a healthy Body of Christ

Closing: Read the pledge at the end of chapter 2 on Thomas Rainer’s book. As we come to celebrate the Lord’s table, we need to remember that is table is a place for confession, repentance, forgiveness, renewal, and unity. It is a reminder of our unity in Christ through the Holy Spirit. It is a time and place to forgive others and ask forgiveness if you have offended someone.

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