Greetings Reader,
On August 9, 2014 Lacey Township held its annual Lacey Day which provides local organizations and businesses the opportunity to interact with the public at Gille Park. Lacey Day is a fairly large event that takes within the town and has a significant number of people who come out to participate.
We at Crossbridge would like to take a moment aside and thank the Lacey Township Recreation Department, which organizes the event. The logistical work to organize the event is extensive and the

manner in which the Rec. Dept. handles the details and provides information to the participants is exceptional. In addition, upon arrival to Gille Park the Rec. Dept. staff working the event is extremely helpful and willing to help each organization physically setup their tents, tables and other items. Their help is immediate and appreciated during the setup period before the beginning of the event. We could not be more thrilled with the experience we had as a participant in Lacey Day. Our participation in Lacey Day has become a highlighted event in our outreach planning as we seek opportunities to interact with members of our community to show that we care for them. We look forward to participating in Lacey Day events for years to come.
Additionally, we would like to thank our own Crossbridge members and friends who participated in Lacey Day. Our goal for Lacey Day was to interact with our community and you took the initiative to meet people and learn some of their stories. As we strive for the privilege to earn a hearing with our community, each interaction builds a level of trust with our community showing that we care for them and that we truly seek to reflect the love of Christ to each and every person that we have the opportunity to talk with.
In closing, we would also like to thank our Lord who provided a beautiful day and arranged divine appointments throughout the day.
We’d like to hear from you. If you participated or interacted with us during Lacey Day, we’d love to get an update on how you are doing. Feel free to contact us and/or leave a comment below.
Thank you,
Crossbridge Community Church