We, at Crossbridge Community Church, are here to reach out into our community with the love of Christ with the simple message that Christ loves us so much, He died on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our rebellion against God. We can know Christ’s forgiveness through simple faith in what Christ did for us at the cross. When you come to faith in Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, we would love to welcome you into our faith family. Then we would like the opportunity to help you grow and mature in your relationship with Christ through small group studies so that you may be equipped to serve God and others. We would like to see you mature in your faith in Christ so that you can live a life that is well pleasing to God.
Crossbridge also offers a variety of ministries for adults, teens, and children to assist people to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As an expression of our love for Christ, we are committed to showing His love by serving our community as God provides opportunity. We have served our community through a winter coat drive, providing dinners on Thanksgiving for people in need, giving free Bibles and DVDs about Jesus’ life at Lacey Day and a yearly open house.
When you visit Crossbridge Community Church,you will be greeted warmly by the congregation. We gather each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM to worship God in music, prayer, and relevant life messages from the Bible. Our Sunday worship service is a celebration of God’s holiness, righteousness, love, grace, mercy. You are invited to come and worship with us.
For additional information about our church, please visit our website at www.crossbridgeofocean.org, Facebook page at facebook.com/crossbridgeofocean or contact us.
We look forward to your visit.
Pastor Lou Saldiveri, D.Min.